Absences & Tardies
Absences & Tardies
Absences & Tardies
School begins at 8:00 every morning for all students K-5.
If you know in advance that your child will be absent or tardy, please let us know. You may report this in two ways:
- Online: Use the convenient online form on our Home page
- By phone: Phone our hotline at (909) 971-8209, press 2. This number is only for absences and you may leave a message 24 hours a day.
- If no record of absence is received you will be notified at 6pm day of, via parent square, as a reminder to inform the school by one of the above methods.
With either method, please give the following information:
- Student First & Last Name
- Date(s) of Absence
- Reason for Absence
Any absences not cleared within 3 days by parent or guardian will be recorded as an unexcused absence, these absences are subject to remaining as unexcused.
Frequent tardies or absences will result in attendance letters, calls, and referrals to School Attendance Review Boards.
When does your child need to be home:
- Children should not be sent to school when they are not feeling well or they have a contagious illness.
- Children may not attend school if they have had a fever, diarrhea or have been vomitting in the last 24 hours. They may return when they have been symptom without medication.
- If a pupil becomes ill or injured at school, you will be called to pick him/her up.
- Parents can excuse up to 3 days of illness, beyond 3 days requires a doctor's note for an excused absence.
Click here for information from the National Association of School Nurses:
“Sick Day Guidelines: Making the Right Call When Your Child Has a Cold”Illness
Independent Study
- Independent study can be requested up to 14 days per student per school year.
- The request can be made in the front office, no less than 2 weeks before the start date.
- 3 days is the minimum amount of time to qualify.
- Requests are may be approved or denied on an individual basis.